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Goundam - Mali IATA, ICAO, FAA Code Information

IATA, ICAO, FAA Code of Goundam - Mali

Goundam [GUD] - Airport Detailed Information
Airport NameGoundam
Airport ICAO Code
FAA Code
Primary Run Away4921 ft
Airport Timezone
Contact Number of Airport
Country CodeML

    The Goundam Airport codes represent the identifiers of the Goundam in Mali and globally -
  • The IATA code GUD is for Goundam, Mali. This code GUD is used for location identification of Goundam Airport.
  • The ICAO code GAGM is a 4 digit code for Goundam, Mali. This code GAGM is used to identify flight stations, weather stations, flight information, and regional control centers of airports in Mali.

Do you know the Mali is part of Africa continent, and the timezone in capital Bamako is Africa/Bamako.

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Other Airports List in - Mali

# Airport Name City IATA Code Country Code
1 Ansongo Ansongo Mali [ML]
2 Bafoulabe Bafoulabe Mali [ML]
3 Bandiagara Bandiagara Mali [ML]
4 Bougouni Bougouni Mali [ML]
5 Bourem Bourem Mali [ML]
6 Dignangan Mali [ML]
7 Dioila Dioila Mali [ML]
8 Douentza Douentza Mali [ML]
9 Faladie Faladie Mali [ML]
10 Gao GAQ Mali [ML]
11 Goundam Goundam GUD Mali [ML]
12 Kayes Mali [ML]
13 Kayes Dag Dag KYS Mali [ML]
14 Ke Macina Ke-Macina Mali [ML]
15 Kenieba Kenieba KNZ Mali [ML]
16 Kidal Kidal Mali [ML]
17 Kita Kita Mali [ML]
18 Kolokani Kolokani Mali [ML]
19 Koutiala Koutiala KTX Mali [ML]
20 Markala Markala Mali [ML]
21 Menaka Menaka Mali [ML]
22 Mopti MZI Mali [ML]
23 Nara Nara NRM Mali [ML]
24 Niafunke Niafunke Mali [ML]
25 Nioro du Sahel Nioro du Sahel NIX Mali [ML]
26 Segou Segou SZU Mali [ML]
27 Senou Senou BKO Mali [ML]
28 Sikasso Sikasso KSS Mali [ML]
29 Tessalit Mali [ML]
30 Timbuktu Timbuktu TOM Mali [ML]
31 Yélimané Yélimané EYL Mali [ML]

FAQ - Related To Goundam - Airport

  • What is the IATA Code of Goundam - ML airport?

    The IATA Code of Goundam - ML is GUD.

  • Which airport is the IATA code GUD for?

    The GUD IATA code is assigned for Goundam Airport, Mali.

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