List of All banks in Australia

762-212 - BSB Number of Commonwealth Bank, Branch - Commonwealth Bank Newtown (NSW)

Australia Flag Here you will find the detailed information of BSB Number 762-212 Bank - Commonwealth Bank Newtown which is located in Newtown (NSW) city Australia, and also check the detailed information like the phone number, Website Url, Branch address, Post Code and Payment System that are related to BSB Number 762-212. The 762-212 is a BSB Number of Commonwealth Bank Newtown, this six 6 digit BSB Number is used to make bank transaction within the Australian banks. BSB Number 762-212 give the unique identity to Commonwealth Bank Newtown bank.

BSB Number - 762-212 of Commonwealth Bank, Branch - Newtown

762-212 - BSB Number Detailed Information
BSB Number
The Bank BSB Number
Bank NameCommonwealth Bank
Bank Code
Financial Institution Code
Branch NameNewtown
Branch Street Address270-276 King Street
Post Code2042
Website Url
CityNewtown (NSW)
StateNew South Wales
Payment SystemPaper, Electronic, High Value Payments

    The AU BSB code 762-212 consists of 6 digits. The first two digits 76 represent the identifiers of the Commonwealth Bank from Australia, and the other 4 digits identify a specific branch of that bank. For example, BSB code 762-212 can be decoded:
  • 76 [Bank Code]: Commonwealth Bank
  • 2 [State code]: New South Wales
  • 212 [Branch Code]: 270-276 King Street

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Commonwealth Bank branches in other cities - Australia

# BSB Number Bank Name City Branch - Office Address
1 062-000 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) 48 Martin Place Sydney - New South Wales
2 062-001 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) 48 Martin Place Sydney - New South Wales
3 062-002 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) Barrack St, Sydney - New South Wales
4 062-003 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) Liverpool & Castlereagh Sts Sydney - New South Wales
5 062-004 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) 200 George St - New South Wales
6 062-005 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) George & Market Sts Sydney - New South Wales
7 062-006 Commonwealth Bank Haymarket (NSW) Haymarket - New South Wales
8 062-007 Commonwealth Bank Haymarket (NSW) Haymarket - New South Wales
9 062-009 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) Wynyard - New South Wales
10 062-010 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) Chinatown - New South Wales
11 062-012 Commonwealth Bank Surry Hills (NSW) Surry Hills - New South Wales
12 062-013 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) Liverpool & Castlereagh Sts Sydney - New South Wales
13 062-014 Commonwealth Bank Potts Point (NSW) Potts Point - New South Wales
14 062-015 Commonwealth Bank Potts Point (NSW) Potts Point - New South Wales
15 062-016 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) Liverpool & Castlereagh Sts Sydney - New South Wales
16 062-017 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) Liverpool & Castlereagh Sts, Sydney - New South Wales
17 062-018 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) Park & Castlereagh Sts Sydney - New South Wales
18 062-020 Commonwealth Bank Pyrmont (NSW) Pyrmont - New South Wales
19 062-021 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) George & Market Sts Sydney - New South Wales
20 062-022 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) 48 Martin Place Sydney - New South Wales
21 062-023 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) Liverpool & Castlereagh Sts Sydney - New South Wales
22 062-026 Commonwealth Bank Haymarket (NSW) Haymarket - New South Wales
23 062-028 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) Town Hall Sydney - New South Wales
24 062-029 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) Stock Exchange - New South Wales
25 062-030 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) 200 George St - New South Wales
26 062-031 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) 200 George St - New South Wales
27 062-032 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) King & Clarence Sts Sydney - New South Wales
28 062-033 Commonwealth Bank Surry Hills (NSW) 300 Elizabeth St Sydney - New South Wales
29 062-036 Commonwealth Bank Castle Hill (NSW) Castle Towers, Castle Hill - New South Wales
30 062-037 Commonwealth Bank Chatswood (NSW) 342 Victoria Avenue Chatswood - New South Wales
31 062-038 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) Property Dept - NSW Division - New South Wales
32 062-039 Commonwealth Bank Chatswood (NSW) Commonwealth Connect - New South Wales
33 062-040 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) HOGM Sydney - New South Wales
34 062-042 Commonwealth Bank Blacktown (NSW) Locked Box NSW - New South Wales
35 062-055 Commonwealth Bank Parramatta (NSW) Westfield Parramatta Shoppingtown - New South Wales
36 062-057 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) ILT Transform Customer OBU - New South Wales
37 062-062 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) Customer Service Centre Sydney - New South Wales
38 062-064 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) CSD CDB Limited NSW General - New South Wales
39 062-067 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) Cards Settlement - New South Wales
40 062-068 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) Clearing Branch Sydney - New South Wales
41 062-069 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) Global Pymt-Svs Banking Ops - New South Wales
42 062-070 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) 200 George St - New South Wales
43 062-074 Commonwealth Bank Haymarket (NSW) Haymarket - New South Wales
44 062-089 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) Prem Bkg Nth Sydney Tm A - New South Wales
45 062-091 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) ILT Transform Customer DBU - New South Wales
46 062-093 Commonwealth Bank Kings Langley (NSW) Kings Langley NSW - New South Wales
47 062-098 Commonwealth Bank Castle Hill (NSW) Castle Towers Castle Hill - New South Wales
48 062-099 Commonwealth Bank Sydney (NSW) 48 Martin Place Sydney - New South Wales
49 062-100 Commonwealth Bank Redfern (NSW) Redfern - New South Wales
50 062-101 Commonwealth Bank Brookvale (NSW) Brookvale - New South Wales

FAQ - Related To BSB Number - 762-212

  • What bank has BSB Number 762-212?

    762-212 - BSB Number is for Commonwealth Bank branch - Newtown Australia.

  • What type of payment system support by BSB Number - 762-212?

    BSB Number - 762-212 - Paper, Electronic, High Value Payments All Payment Services Support this BSB 762-212 bank.

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