Here you will find the detailed information of Routing Number 262285223, Bank - FIRST FIDELITY BANK which is located in FORT PAYNE city US, and also check the detailed information like the Office Code, ZIP Code, Branch address, Servicing FRB Number and Telephone number that are related to routing number 262285223 of the bank.
The 262285223 is a routing number of FIRST FIDELITY BANK FORT PAYNE this nine digit routing number is used to make bank transaction within the United State banks, routing number 262285223 give the unique identity to FIRST FIDELITY BANK - FORT PAYNE bank.
What details we should have of FIRST FIDELITY BANK to initiate bank Wire Transfer, fund transfer?
Below is the information is given that what FIRST FIDELITY BANK information we need to have to transfer the amount from the FIRST FIDELITY BANK-
- Beneficiary Name
- Receiver bank Account Number
- Beneficiary Name, Address
- Beneficiary bank's Swift code
- FIRST FIDELITY BANK, FORT PAYNE Electronic Routing Number - 262285223
A routing number 262285223 is used to identify a monetary foundation in the FIRST FIDELITY BANK, FORT PAYNE, US. Also, note that the date of the last change to CRF information in our database is 10 July 2014, and we want to advise you that before making any electronic transaction, please confirm with FIRST FIDELITY BANK office which number you must use.