Are you looking for HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK routing numbers, check the detailed information such as Routing Number of HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK in all states of US. It includes all domestic branches of HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK and much more detailed information.

  1. Select the state of HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK which is listed below.

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Find All list of Huntington national bank Routing Numbers and more information

This website provides brief information about HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK bank routing number, HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK bank branches, ZIP Code, Routing Numbers, etc. It is not difficult to transfer cash flow to HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK within the states of US by wire transfer, just search for financial banking institute, HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK routing number, swift code and get the complete details of a particular bank.

HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK List - Routing Numbers, City, ZIP Details

# Routing Number City Address ZIP Code
1 041000153 COLUMBUS EA2W40 - OHIO 43272-4195
2 041200555 COLUMBUS 7 EASTON OVAL - OHIO 43219-0000
3 042100191 COLUMBUS 7 EASTON OVAL - OHIO 43219-0000
4 042101459 COLUMBUS 7 EASTON OVAL - OHIO 43219-0000
5 042107602 COLUMBUS 7 EASTON OVAL - OHIO 43219-0000
6 042215060 COLUMBUS 7 EASTON OVAL - OHIO 43219-0000
7 044000024 COLUMBUS 7 EASTON OVAL, EA2W40 - OHIO 43219-0000
8 044108641 COLUMBUS 7 EASTON OVAL - OHIO 43219-0000
9 044115090 COLUMBUS 7 EASTON OVAL - OHIO 43219-0000
10 044115126 COLUMBUS 7 EASTON OVAL - OHIO 43219-0000
11 044172282 COLUMBUS 7 EASTON OVAL - OHIO 43219-0000
12 051903761 COLUMBUS EA2W40 - OHIO 43272-4195
13 057000697 COLUMBUS EA2W40 - OHIO 43272-4195
14 072400528 COLUMBUS 7 EASTON OVAL - OHIO 43219-0000
15 072403473 COLUMBUS 7 EASTON OVAL - OHIO 43219-0000
16 072410123 COLUMBUS 7 EASTON OVAL - OHIO 43219-0000
17 074000078 COLUMBUS 7 EASTON OVAL - OHIO 43219-0000
18 074905173 COLUMBUS 7 EASTON OVAL - OHIO 43219-0000
19 075901998 COLUMBUS 7 EASTON OVAL - OHIO 43219-0000

Why we use HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK, Routing Numbers in the US?

The Huntington national bank routing number is a 9 digits numerical codes which is particularly used to identify Huntington national bank branch for different monetary purposes. For example, if we want to transfer cash or receive cash from outside country, making installment, payment of invoices, bill payments, send money by bank transfer across the states in US we need to have HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK routing number to identify that bank branch in the United State.

So the routing number of Huntington national bank gives a distinguishing proof of the number for practically are qualified to make the transactions across the country or in US. So everybody can transfer cash in Huntington national bank easily.

Disclaimer: Firstbankn is Collection for informational and educational purposes only, our team make a great effort to provide accurate information and accepts no liability with respect to the accuracy of any kind of data. Please reconfirm with your bank before transferring funds we will not responsible for any kind of financial or other kinds of loss.