List of All Area Codes in World

210 Area Code, US

US Flag Here you will find the detailed information of area code 210 of all cities, states, area, region that is covered by area code 210. Multiple cities that are nearby in 210 area code can represent the same area code, so do not be confused. In addition, there is a list of all zip codes that fall under the area code 210.

List of All City, Places, Region - Area Code 210

210 - Area Code Covers These States
State Texas 

210 Area Code identifies Texas State, US and this area code cover around 8 cities in Texas. Here is the list of all cities that are covered by area code.

210 - Area Code Covers 8 Cities in Texas
Cities Adkins,  Converse,  Elmendorf,  Jbsa Ft Sam Houston,  Jbsa Lackland,  Jbsa Randolph,  San Antonio,  Universal City, 

FAQ - Related To 210 Area Code

  • Which states 210 Area code belongs in US?

    The 210 area code belongs to Texas state.

ZIP Codes list for area code 210

# Zip Code Postal City County FIPS State
1 78101 Adkins 029 Texas [TX]
2 78109 Converse 029 Texas [TX]
3 78112 Elmendorf 029 Texas [TX]
4 78234 Jbsa Ft Sam Houston 029 Texas [TX]
5 78236 Jbsa Lackland 029 Texas [TX]
6 78150 Jbsa Randolph 029 Texas [TX]
7 78201 San Antonio 029 Texas [TX]
8 78148 Universal City 029 Texas [TX]

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