List of All Area Codes in World

253 Area Code, US

US Flag Here you will find the detailed information of area code 253 of all cities, states, area, region that is covered by area code 253. Multiple cities that are nearby in 253 area code can represent the same area code, so do not be confused. In addition, there is a list of all zip codes that fall under the area code 253.

List of All City, Places, Region - Area Code 253

253 - Area Code Covers These States
State Washington 

253 Area Code identifies Washington State, US and this area code cover around 36 cities in Washington. Here is the list of all cities that are covered by area code.

253 - Area Code Covers 36 Cities in Washington
Cities Anderson Island,  Auburn,  Bonney Lake,  Burley,  Camp Murray,  Eatonville,  Federal Way,  Fife,  Fox Island,  Gig Harbor,  Graham,  Kapowsin,  Kent,  La Grande,  Lakebay,  Lakewood,  Longbranch,  Mcchord AFB,  Mckenna,  Milton,  Olalla,  Pacific,  Paradise Inn,  Port Orchard,  Puyallup,  Roy,  Seahurst,  Seattle,  South Prairie,  Spanaway,  Steilacoom,  Sumner,  Tacoma,  University Place,  Vaughn,  Wauna, 

FAQ - Related To 253 Area Code

  • Which states 253 Area code belongs in US?

    The 253 area code belongs to Washington state.

ZIP Codes list for area code 253

# Zip Code Postal City County FIPS State
1 98303 Anderson Island 053 Washington [WA]
2 98001 Auburn 033 Washington [WA]
3 98391 Bonney Lake 053 Washington [WA]
4 98322 Burley 035 Washington [WA]
5 98430 Camp Murray 053 Washington [WA]
6 98328 Eatonville 053 Washington [WA]
7 98003 Federal Way 033 Washington [WA]
8 98424 Fife 053 Washington [WA]
9 98333 Fox Island 053 Washington [WA]
10 98329 Gig Harbor 053 Washington [WA]
11 98338 Graham 053 Washington [WA]
12 98344 Kapowsin 053 Washington [WA]
13 98030 Kent 033 Washington [WA]
14 98348 La Grande 053 Washington [WA]
15 98349 Lakebay 053 Washington [WA]
16 98439 Lakewood 053 Washington [WA]
17 98351 Longbranch 053 Washington [WA]
18 98438 Mcchord AFB 053 Washington [WA]
19 98558 Mckenna 053 Washington [WA]
20 98354 Milton 053 Washington [WA]
21 98359 Olalla 035 Washington [WA]
22 98047 Pacific 033 Washington [WA]
23 98398 Paradise Inn 053 Washington [WA]
24 98367 Port Orchard 035 Washington [WA]
25 98371 Puyallup 053 Washington [WA]
26 98580 Roy 053 Washington [WA]
27 98062 Seahurst 033 Washington [WA]
28 98101 Seattle 033 Washington [WA]
29 98385 South Prairie 053 Washington [WA]
30 98387 Spanaway 053 Washington [WA]
31 98388 Steilacoom 053 Washington [WA]
32 98352 Sumner 053 Washington [WA]
33 98401 Tacoma 053 Washington [WA]
34 98467 University Place 053 Washington [WA]
35 98394 Vaughn 053 Washington [WA]
36 98395 Wauna 053 Washington [WA]

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