List of All Area Codes in World

254 Area Code, US

US Flag Here you will find the detailed information of area code 254 of all cities, states, area, region that is covered by area code 254. Multiple cities that are nearby in 254 area code can represent the same area code, so do not be confused. In addition, there is a list of all zip codes that fall under the area code 254.

List of All City, Places, Region - Area Code 254

254 - Area Code Covers These States
State Texas 

254 Area Code identifies Texas State, US and this area code cover around 125 cities in Texas. Here is the list of all cities that are covered by area code.

254 - Area Code Covers 125 Cities in Texas
Cities Abbott,  Aquilla,  Axtell,  Bartlett,  Belton,  Bluff Dale,  Blum,  Brandon,  Breckenridge,  Bremond,  Bruceville,  Buckholts,  Burlington,  Bynum,  Caddo,  Cameron,  Carbon,  Carlton,  Chilton,  China Spring,  Cisco,  Clifton,  Comanche,  Coolidge,  Copperas Cove,  Covington,  Cranfills Gap,  Crawford,  Cross Plains,  Davilla,  Dawson,  De Leon,  Desdemona,  Donie,  Dublin,  Eastland,  Eddy,  Elm Mott,  Evant,  Flat,  Florence,  Fort Hood,  Frost,  Gatesville,  Glen Rose,  Gordon,  Gorman,  Groesbeck,  Hamilton,  Harker Heights,  Heidenheimer,  Hewitt,  Hico,  Hillsboro,  Holland,  Hubbard,  Iredell,  Irene,  Itasca,  Jonesboro,  Killeen,  Kirvin,  Kopperl,  Kosse,  Laguna Park,  Leroy,  Lingleville,  Lipan,  Little River Academy,  Lorena,  Lott,  Malone,  Marlin,  Mart,  May,  Mc Gregor,  Meridian,  Mertens,  Mexia,  Milford,  Mingus,  Moody,  Morgan,  Morgan Mill,  Mound,  Mount Calm,  Nemo,  Nolanville,  Oglesby,  Olden,  Paluxy,  Pendleton,  Penelope,  Pottsville,  Prairie Hill,  Purdon,  Purmela,  Rainbow,  Ranger,  Reagan,  Richland,  Riesel,  Rising Star,  Rogers,  Rosebud,  Ross,  Salado,  Santo,  Satin,  Sidney,  Stephenville,  Strawn,  Teague,  Tehuacana,  Temple,  Thornton,  Tolar,  Troy,  Valley Mills,  Waco,  Walnut Springs,  West,  Whitney,  Woodway,  Wortham, 

FAQ - Related To 254 Area Code

  • Which states 254 Area code belongs in US?

    The 254 area code belongs to Texas state.

ZIP Codes list for area code 254

# Zip Code Postal City County FIPS State
1 76621 Abbott 217 Texas [TX]
2 76622 Aquilla 217 Texas [TX]
3 76624 Axtell 309 Texas [TX]
4 76511 Bartlett 027 Texas [TX]
5 76513 Belton 027 Texas [TX]
6 76433 Bluff Dale 143 Texas [TX]
7 76627 Blum 217 Texas [TX]
8 76628 Brandon 217 Texas [TX]
9 76424 Breckenridge 429 Texas [TX]
10 76629 Bremond 395 Texas [TX]
11 76630 Bruceville 309 Texas [TX]
12 76518 Buckholts 331 Texas [TX]
13 76519 Burlington 331 Texas [TX]
14 76631 Bynum 217 Texas [TX]
15 76429 Caddo 429 Texas [TX]
16 76520 Cameron 331 Texas [TX]
17 76435 Carbon 133 Texas [TX]
18 76436 Carlton 193 Texas [TX]
19 76632 Chilton 145 Texas [TX]
20 76633 China Spring 309 Texas [TX]
21 76437 Cisco 133 Texas [TX]
22 76634 Clifton 035 Texas [TX]
23 76442 Comanche 093 Texas [TX]
24 76635 Coolidge 293 Texas [TX]
25 76522 Copperas Cove 099 Texas [TX]
26 76636 Covington 217 Texas [TX]
27 76637 Cranfills Gap 035 Texas [TX]
28 76638 Crawford 309 Texas [TX]
29 76443 Cross Plains 059 Texas [TX]
30 76523 Davilla 331 Texas [TX]
31 76639 Dawson 349 Texas [TX]
32 76444 De Leon 093 Texas [TX]
33 76445 Desdemona 133 Texas [TX]
34 75838 Donie 161 Texas [TX]
35 76446 Dublin 143 Texas [TX]
36 76448 Eastland 133 Texas [TX]
37 76524 Eddy 309 Texas [TX]
38 76640 Elm Mott 309 Texas [TX]
39 76525 Evant 099 Texas [TX]
40 76526 Flat 099 Texas [TX]
41 76527 Florence 491 Texas [TX]
42 76544 Fort Hood 027 Texas [TX]
43 76641 Frost 349 Texas [TX]
44 76528 Gatesville 099 Texas [TX]
45 76043 Glen Rose 425 Texas [TX]
46 76453 Gordon 363 Texas [TX]
47 76454 Gorman 133 Texas [TX]
48 76642 Groesbeck 293 Texas [TX]
49 76531 Hamilton 193 Texas [TX]
50 76548 Harker Heights 027 Texas [TX]
51 76533 Heidenheimer 027 Texas [TX]
52 76643 Hewitt 309 Texas [TX]
53 76457 Hico 193 Texas [TX]
54 76645 Hillsboro 217 Texas [TX]
55 76534 Holland 027 Texas [TX]
56 76648 Hubbard 217 Texas [TX]
57 76649 Iredell 035 Texas [TX]
58 76650 Irene 217 Texas [TX]
59 76055 Itasca 217 Texas [TX]
60 76538 Jonesboro 099 Texas [TX]
61 76540 Killeen 027 Texas [TX]
62 75848 Kirvin 161 Texas [TX]
63 76652 Kopperl 035 Texas [TX]
64 76653 Kosse 293 Texas [TX]
65 76644 Laguna Park 035 Texas [TX]
66 76654 Leroy 309 Texas [TX]
67 76461 Lingleville 143 Texas [TX]
68 76462 Lipan 221 Texas [TX]
69 76554 Little River Academy 027 Texas [TX]
70 76655 Lorena 309 Texas [TX]
71 76656 Lott 145 Texas [TX]
72 76660 Malone 217 Texas [TX]
73 76661 Marlin 145 Texas [TX]
74 76664 Mart 309 Texas [TX]
75 76857 May 049 Texas [TX]
76 76657 Mc Gregor 309 Texas [TX]
77 76665 Meridian 035 Texas [TX]
78 76666 Mertens 217 Texas [TX]
79 76667 Mexia 293 Texas [TX]
80 76670 Milford 139 Texas [TX]
81 76463 Mingus 363 Texas [TX]
82 76557 Moody 309 Texas [TX]
83 76671 Morgan 035 Texas [TX]
84 76465 Morgan Mill 143 Texas [TX]
85 76558 Mound 099 Texas [TX]
86 76673 Mount Calm 217 Texas [TX]
87 76070 Nemo 425 Texas [TX]
88 76559 Nolanville 027 Texas [TX]
89 76561 Oglesby 099 Texas [TX]
90 76466 Olden 133 Texas [TX]
91 76467 Paluxy 221 Texas [TX]
92 76564 Pendleton 027 Texas [TX]
93 76676 Penelope 217 Texas [TX]
94 76565 Pottsville 193 Texas [TX]
95 76678 Prairie Hill 293 Texas [TX]
96 76679 Purdon 349 Texas [TX]
97 76566 Purmela 099 Texas [TX]
98 76077 Rainbow 425 Texas [TX]
99 76470 Ranger 133 Texas [TX]
100 76680 Reagan 145 Texas [TX]
101 76681 Richland 349 Texas [TX]
102 76682 Riesel 309 Texas [TX]
103 76471 Rising Star 133 Texas [TX]
104 76569 Rogers 027 Texas [TX]
105 76570 Rosebud 145 Texas [TX]
106 76684 Ross 309 Texas [TX]
107 76571 Salado 027 Texas [TX]
108 76472 Santo 363 Texas [TX]
109 76685 Satin 145 Texas [TX]
110 76474 Sidney 093 Texas [TX]
111 76401 Stephenville 143 Texas [TX]
112 76475 Strawn 363 Texas [TX]
113 75860 Teague 161 Texas [TX]
114 76686 Tehuacana 293 Texas [TX]
115 76501 Temple 027 Texas [TX]
116 76687 Thornton 293 Texas [TX]
117 76476 Tolar 221 Texas [TX]
118 76579 Troy 027 Texas [TX]
119 76689 Valley Mills 035 Texas [TX]
120 76701 Waco 309 Texas [TX]
121 76690 Walnut Springs 035 Texas [TX]
122 76691 West 309 Texas [TX]
123 76692 Whitney 217 Texas [TX]
124 76712 Woodway 309 Texas [TX]
125 76693 Wortham 161 Texas [TX]

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